Auto backup sync

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I'm developing and testing a new "Auto backup sync" feature.

The key concepts are

Game save data is uploaded to the cloud automatically

Yaba Sansiro already has a memory management feature. But it needs tedious manual operations. It simplifies your game life if save data is saved whenever you finish a game.

Game save data can be restored even if you uninstalled the app

Your data is your won. But since the odd Android 11 feature called scoped storage makes your data lost when you uninstall YabaSanshiro. It's gamer destruction. I want to offer you space even if you temporarily suspend your game life.

Game save data is synchronized between devices

There are so many Android devices these days that it's not unnatural for users to have multiple Android devices. It is essential to enable users to play games on these devices seamlessly.

Game save data history is stored so that You can roll back

Sometimes I wish I could start over in life. It's even more true in the world of gaming.

Now this feature is available for product version


Before trying this feature backup your backup data by yourself.